Thursday, July 28, 2011

Baptisms July 24th 2011

 Melanie made the good confession and was baptised into Christ for the remisson of sins and received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

James also made the good confession that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and was baptized into Christ for the remisson of sins and received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Terry Lynn Stenson Baptism July 10, 2011 Our New Brother in Christ

Terry Lynn Stenson on July 10, 2011 was baptized into Christ for the remisson of sins and recieved the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Lord add him to His Chruch that day. Terry is the fourth person to be baptized in the last month and I am very proud of them all for thier commitment to Christ.                                 Michael Reed, Minister

Terry you are and amazing young person. I am very glad that you have made the good confession. That by faith in Jesus Christ through obedeance to the message you have entered the Kingdom of God. I promise to continue to teach you all that God has commanded you, to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.                              
Michael Reed, Minister

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Parade 2011

Waiting for the parade to begin. Pictured are some of the kids from Mainland Kids program. Many of the kids as well as their parents rode on the float.
 Leah Stenson and her son Terry ready for the parade to begin. Leah is one of are hard working parents and a great asset to the Lord's Church.
Thank you Leah for all your hard work.
Elder Will Dent ready to do some walking. Will along with Deacon Billy Mitcham, Margaret Reed, Leah Stenson and Leah's other son Mckinnley walked the entire parade route handing out invitation to the Seminar on "The Holy Spirit" that will be July 6th-10th at Mainland Church of Christ.
For further information on that see the Mainland Calendar blog.
Margaret Reed, Mary Mitcham and Will Dent getting hydrated before the parade.
 Everyone is having fun. What a Great Day the Lord has made.
Almost time, waiting in line the kids from Mainland Kids and Mainland Youth Group are ready to throw candy during the parade.